Can two people make love work, even if they’re of different faiths? TLC ’s newest relationship-focused reality series Forbidden Love asks that question. It follows four couples of different religious backgrounds. One person has agreed to convert for their partner.

But as each couple discovers, giving up the religion you were raised in and adopting a new identity is not always easy. Were any of the Forbidden Love couples able to make things work? Here’s what we know about the cast members’ relationship status today. Mohammed and Ashley Ashley, 31, was raised in a conservative Catholic family.

Now, she’s married to Mohammed, 31, who is Muslim. They have a three-year-old daughter, and Mohammad is pressuring Ashley to become a Muslim as well so that their child will be raised in the faith. But Ashley isn’t sure she’s ready to embrace a different religion, and her family is convinced she doesn’t need to change for her husband.

Despite their differences, Ashley and Mohammed are making their relationship work. According to her social media, they are still together as of August 2024. “I married you a day after arriving in New York and here we are 4 years later,” Ashley captioned an August 2 Instagram post.

Eli and Laurie Eli, 32, is an Orthodox Jew who fell in love with Laurie, 36, who was raised Catholic but later abandoned the religion. In order to have a future with Eli, Laurie plans to convert to Judaism . But doing so requires some major lifestyle changes, an.