FRIDAY, Aug. 16, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Back-to-school can feel like a rushed jumble, as kids leave behind summer fun for the next step in their education. But there are specific ways parents can help students show up sharper, get young athletes ready to compete, and have anxious kids settled down and ready to learn, experts say.

Prioritize sleep Kids will have a good start to the school year if they enter it with sound sleep hygiene, experts say. “We spend a third of our life sleeping, so a regular sleep/wake schedule leads to better sleep and a healthier life,” said Dr. Tara Thomas , an assistant professor of sleep psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine.

“Growth hormones are secreted during different stages of sleep, and sleep helps with growth, development and recall and memory storage.” The recommended sleep duration for kids of various ages includes: Ages 3 to 5: 10 to 13 hours Ages 6 to 13: 9 to 11 hours Teenagers: 8 to 10 hours A wind-down routine prior to bedtime can help kids settle down for the evening. This routine can include bathing, brushing teeth and reading a bedtime story, Thomas said.

A technology curfew also is essential, as light emitted from smartphones and tablets suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin. Devices can also be an overstimulating distraction that robs kids of sleep. Athletic support Parents should make sure that their student athlete is in good health before hitting the field, experts say.

“New and seasoned athletes need to get .