Lacey Pfalz | (TNS) TravelPulse Planning a trip can be a daunting task, but it can feel impossible when you’re trying to stay within a reasonable budget. Yet Travel Insured International offers a few important tips to remember to help make your travel planning process go smoothly and ensure you’ll stay within your budget, no matter how far you’ll be traveling from home. Be realistic about your budget The first step to any travel planning is to be honest about how much you can reasonably spend on your trip.

Consider everything from transportation and accommodation (the two biggest expenses), to things like food and even souvenirs. If you already have a destination in mind, search for those flights and accommodations, and write down what you expect them to cost based on your research. Travel Insured International also recommends to include a small buffer for unexpected expenses, and to allocate some money towards purchasing a travel insurance plan, which can help you save money if you need to cancel or change your trip, or for certain unexpected events like losing your luggage.

Choosing your destination Let’s be real: Some destinations are just pricier than others. We recommend using online resources to find second-city destinations or, if you’re traveling internationally, to pick destinations where the U.S.

dollar has a higher value than the local currency, ensuring you’ll likely get more for your hard-earned dollars. Remember to be flexible with travel dates and e.