Driving requires drivers to use their senses so they, their passengers and their fellow motorists can safely traverse the roadways. When any of those senses are compromised, the risk for accident increases. Sight is vital to safe driving.

Individuals who have vision problems must correct these issues by wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses to stay safe behind the wheel. But what if the condition affecting vision is nighttime? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that accidents happen in greater frequency at night, when the passenger vehicle occupant fatality rate is around three times higher than the daytime rate. That's despite the fact that there are far fewer cars on the road at night than during the daytime.

Reduced visibility and drowsiness behind the wheel after the sun goes down may cause many people to avoid driving at night. But driving at night isn't always avoidable, especially during the months when the sun sets early. When forced to drive at night, drivers can follow these tips to make it safer and easier.

Get enough rest. Skip the road trip if you are feeling tired or if you have taken medication that can cause drowsiness. Improve headlight visibility.

Make sure headlights are in good working order and that the plastic covering on the headlights is not cloudy, which can adversely affect light output. The angle of the lamp also is a factor. Some headlights may need a periodic angle adjustment.

Stick to multi-lane roadways. Today's vehicles are .