Finding true love can be either a challenging quest or a serendipitous discovery. For Pedrine Tingle, it was the latter. While sitting in the park with her best friend, she was approached by a young man speaking on behalf of his friend.

Her interest piqued when she realised the charming suitor was Kenroy Rowe, a schoolmate whom she found both handsome and sweet. What began as a meeting between two Papine High School students in seventh grade eventually led them to their own seventh heaven, culminating in marriage. “I remember seeing her in the park after school and making enquiries to a group of friends.

Ryan, a classmate of mine, said he knew her from their previous primary school and could introduce me if I was interested,” Kenroy told Island Wedding . The duo exchanged numbers and spent two years courting, which included phone calls, time together at school, and weekend visits, with their parents’ permission. “We started meeting up after school, sometimes going to Hope Gardens.

He would pick me flowers and carry my school bag,” Pedrine recounted. But all that revelry came to a sudden halt in ninth grade. Despite the separation, the pair remained friends and only reunited eight years ago.

Kenroy explains, “In 2016, I was going through a break-up and I had reached out to her on Facebook to ask what type of boyfriend I was in high school. She reminded me that I was always a sweet and caring person.” But their communication was short-lived after it was revealed t.