South Karnataka, a region blessed with a peaceful society and abundant resources, is a place where culture thrives. Historically, our culture has flourished in environments that provide both tranquillity and natural wealth. Living alongside rivers and water bodies has always been an integral part of our Bharatiya lifestyle.

These areas are not just geographical locations but also hold immense historical and cultural significance. For thousands of years, our history has been deeply intertwined with these rivers and their surroundings. However, over time, we have started to lose touch with this rich heritage.

O Water, this auspicious Sap of yours, please share with us, Like a Mother desiring (to share her best possessions with her children) Before we lose any more of this invaluable cultural legacy, it is imperative that we take a moment to introspect and take action. We need to work diligently to preserve and enrich these areas, reconnecting with our roots and fostering a dharmic way of life. By revitalizing the life and culture around South Karnataka’s non-perennial rivers, we can ensure that our cultural heritage continues to thrive for generations to come.

South Karnataka is home to several non-perennial rivers, each with its own unique story and significance. These rivers may not flow year-round, but they play crucial roles in the region’s ecology, culture, and water security. Let’s take a closer look at some of these vital waterways: Once a major source of water for.