Thank you, Philadelphia. Thank you, madam vice president, for the trust you have put in me. But maybe more so, thank you for bringing back the joy.

I am thrilled to be on this journey with you and Doug, this incredible journey. And Pennsylvania, I know you know this, but my god, what a treasure you have in Josh Shapiro. Holy hell, can this guy bring the fire? He can bring the fire.

This is a visionary leader. Also, I have to tell you, everybody in America knows, when you need a bridge fixed, call that guy. And I think sometimes we forget, and you see people a little one-dimensional, but seeing a guy who cares so deeply about his family, a man with compassion, vision, and – I know this from experience – there is no one you would rather go to a Springsteen concert in Jersey with than him.

And I can’t wait for all of you in America to get to know my incredible wife, Gwen, a 29-year public school educator. Don’t ever underestimate teachers. And our two beautiful kids, Hope and Gus.

I couldn’t be prouder to be on this ticket and to help Vice President Harris become what we all know is very, very good for us to think about, the next president of the United States of America. From her first day as a prosecutor, as the district attorney, attorney general of the great state of California, a United States senator, and vice president of the United States, Vice President Harris has fought on the side of the American people. She took on the predators.

She took on the fraudsters..