watch now VIDEO 15:30 15:30 Watch Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Walz's full address to the DNC News Videos Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz told the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night that he and Vice President Kamala Harris will 'turn the page on Donald Trump ." "We've got something better to offer the American people," said Walz, as he accepted the Democratic nomination to be Harris' running mate.

In a brisk, energetic speech, Walz recounted his personal and professional history as a public school teacher and member of the National Guard. "Never underestimate a public school teacher," Walz said. He also talked about he and his wife's struggle to have children.

"This is personal for Gwen and me. Let me just say this — even if you've never experienced the hell of infertility, I guarantee you know somebody who has," Walz said. "I remember praying each night for a call with good news, the pit in my stomach when the phone would ring, and the agony when we heard the treatments hadn't worked.

It took me and Gwen years." Walz said he was talking in detail about that history "because that's a big part of what this election is about — freedom." "When Republicans use that word, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor's office," he said.

"Corporations free to pollute the air and water. Banks free to take advantage of customers." Read more CNBC politics coverage Biden gets few mentions from Democrats eager to turn the page at DNC day 2 Obama says 'Am.