Brat girl summer has had its moment: it’s now time to be “ very demure, very mindful .” Charli XCX – the artist behind the aforenamed album – described brat as a “pack of cigs, a Bic lighter and a strappy white top with no bra.” Brat summer encompassed a brash, hedonistic, happy and bra-less young woman.

Yet, this carefree and messy aesthetic has now become dated: being filed amongst the likes of Nineties ladette culture and Noughties recession pop. TikTok creator Jools Lebron , who has over 1.7 million followers, recently went viral when she posted a satirical video detailing her “modest” and unassuming workplace make-up.

“You see how I do my make-up for work? Very demure. Very mindful,” says Lebron, “I don’t come to work with a green cut crease. I don’t look like a clown when I go to work.

I don’t do too much. I’m very mindful while I’m at work. You see how I look very presentable? The way I came to the interview is the way I go to the job.

” The comments went viral, and the new tongue-in-cheek social media trend has snowballed into a way of life; with people now quoting the catchphrase when eating meals, doing their make-up and dressing for the day. The demure movement is a humorous evolution of other social media trends such as the “clean girl” aesthetic and the “trad wife” movement; both of which promote wholesome pastimes and effortless, hyper-feminine style. “The trend champions a return to a more reflective and understated .