Alix Earle is taking responsibility for her words. The TikToker has broken her silence on screenshots that recently resurfaced of her ASKfm account from the summer of 2014, which showed Alix using a racist slur. "I am taking accountability," Alix posted to Instagram Stories Aug.

26 , "and want to make it clear that I was 13 years old and did not understand the deeply offensive meaning behind that word." While the 23-year-old understands that is not an "excuse for using that word in any context or at any age," she wants her fans to know that it is "not the way I speak or what I stand for." "I am deeply sorry that my words have hurt many and have led people to believe that I have any prejudice in my heart," she continued.

"I promise you that could not be further from the truth. My platform has always focused on positivity, entertainment, and uplifting others, and will continue to do so. I am sincerely sorry to those I have offended.

" The influencer also noted that she regrets how she handled the situation, saying that she allowed "too many people to talk me out of saying something for too long," which she said she did with good intentions but she realizes "was wrong." "In the absence of my addressing this," she added, "my silence allowed others to fill the void with rumors that simply aren't true." Alix explained that there was also no truth to the rumors she was trying to trademark her old posts, or that an unnamed brand announced they would no longer be working with her, as s.