FRISCO, Texas — If you need a golf lesson like I do, I've got the trio to teach you. Not one of them stands taller than five feet, and they'll need a note from their parents to leave class early to come help you. But they can definitely show you how to stripe it.

Alaina Villareal, Blake Ayuso, and Addie Quick are all from Texas. And they're all about to have the experience of a lifetime — competing at the famed Augusta National, home of The Masters. The annual Drive, Chip, & Putt National Finals are held there every year.

And this year, Alaina, Blake, and Addie are all competing. "I'm looking forward to going to Magnolia Lane," Alaina said. "It's one of the coolest things ever.

" These three young golfers all have incredibly lofty goals already. "To play college golf and to win a lot of tournaments, especially a lot of majors," Alaina said when asked. "To win all four majors," Blake said, "and have a grand slam.

" "To win the Women's Masters Tournament and win 30 pro tournaments," Addie said. Why 30, I asked her. "Because you need 27 to be in the Hall of Fame.

" Well, OK then. When you watch them swing the club, their goals make perfect sense. They are in tempo, poised, on plane, consistent, and powerful.

They smoke it over and over and over again. Addie sheepishly admitted she usually shoots about 5 over, sounding disappointed in her answer as she said it. I told her most people would die to shoot a round of 5 over.

Unfortunately, with that comment, I set myself up for Blak.