The world knows common signs of heart trouble include tightness in the chest, pain, and extreme pressure in the chest. However, these are not the only signals. According to Dr.

Jeremy London, a US-based heart surgeon, most people often fail to understand other important signals that your heart gives out when it is in trouble. That results in a deadly heart attack, a stroke - or a critical delay in getting possible heart disease diagnosed and treated. According to Dr.

London, a few red flags for your heart health should be given utmost priority. These are: Breathlessness while walking Shortness of breath is the most common symptom of heart failure. It is a distressing feeling that may cause you to feel smothered.

According to Dr. London, breathlessness initially occurs with exertion but may get progressively worse and eventually occur at rest in severe cases. It makes you breathe harder, faster, or deeper than usual and typically stems from heart or lung conditions.

Experts say you must take immediate action if breathlessness is accompanied by swelling of the ankles and feet when laying flat, chills, cough, high fever, or wheezing. Swollen legs Swelling in your legs happens when there is a fluid buildup in the tissues – known as edema. According to Dr.

London, blood backing up in the veins of your legs may indicate that your heart is not functioning as well as it should – and is regarded as a noticeable sign of heart failure. When your heart does not work properly, blood f.