Cutting your garden plants in summer is essential if you want them to produce beautiful flowers in the future. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters It might not feel like it was ever summer here in Scotland with the dismal weather conditions of late. But, with the so-called sunshine months set to be replaced before we know it with autumn leaves and gingerbread lattes, time is running out to get gardens ready for the change in seasons.

As we previously reported , summer is ideal for your garden , as the sun helps your plants to become lush, green and floral. But to ensure they don't become too large and overpower your outdoor space, pruning them often is essential, as this keeps them clean and tidy. Not only this, but doing it during summer will ensure they remain able to flower in the future, as many are dormant during the colder winter months.

One gardening expert has revealed the three plants you should always prune before the summer is out, in order to give them the best chance of blooming next year too. Taking to her gardening blog, Blooming Lucky , Louise Findlay-Wilson has shared several pruning jobs that should be carried out in August. English lavender is a popular choice of garden plant, as it's "hardier and longer-lived" than some other varieties, according to Louise.

But to keep it l.