Paris: Three German swimmers became ill after competing in the open water races at the Paris Olympics, though it was not immediately clear if the long-polluted Seine River was responsible for their sickness. The swimmers were not identified in a statement released Saturday by the German Olympic Sports Confederation, though Leonie Beck went on social media to reveal her condition. All three swimmers have recovered and expect to travel home as planned.

Beck, who finished ninth in the 10-kilometer event, posted a picture of herself on Instagram giving a thumbs up but looking ill. "Vomited 9 times yesterday + diarrhea,” she posted, before adding sarcastically, "Water quality in the Seine is approved,” accompanied by a check mark. The German committee said in its statement that three of its athletes became ill.

"Two female German open water swimmers were treated as outpatients (Friday) for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. They have been feeling much better since this morning," the statement said. "Another swimmer with similar symptoms is currently being treated by the German team doctors.

” The other German swimmer in the women's open water race was Leonie Maertens, who placed 22nd in the 24-woman field. Germany also had two swimmers in the men's event: silver medalist Oliver Klemet and eighth-place finisher Florian Wellbrock. It wasn't revealed which one was being treated.

Paris organizers and World Aquatics, the governing body for open water swimming, released testing figures.