Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Monday said those who want to live in Bharat will have to hail Hindu Gods Ram and Krishna.He asserted citizens are free to practice their respective religions, but they have to be patriotic as they can survive only when India remains intact as a country. Yadav was participating in a programme organised to mark Shri Krishna Janmashtami in Chanderi town of Ashok Nagar district.

The BJP leader insisted the country doesn't distinguish between Hindus and Muslims, it but needs people who understand God, its creation, universe, and pointed out that Rahim and Raskhan (celebrated medieval Muslim poets who admired Hindu deities) were born here. "If we connect ourselves to the soil, we remember them (like Rahim and Raskhan) for centuries, but be careful, those who eat here, but have faith elsewhere (jo yaha ka khata hai, kahi aur ka bajata hai)..

. this will not work. "If you want to live in Bharat, you will have to hail Lord Ram and Lord Krishna (Bharat me rahna hoga to Ram, Krishna ki jai kahna hoga).

There is nothing outside them. We want to respect everyone in our country, we do not insult anyone," Yadav told the gathering. The CM maintained Hindus and Muslims have been working together in Handloom Park in Chanderi and weaving sarees.

He told the gathering to clap for workers of both the communities employed in Handloom Park. "We believe in the philosophy of 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Nirayamaya (may all be happy and free from d.