Let me preface this by saying, I am not a pro packer . I'm not one of those people who has packing cubes or organizers. I fold, I stack, and that's about it.

In that same vein, I'm not someone who plans my outfits. My packing style is basically: Bring all the essentials so I have whatever I need for whatever mood strikes while traveling. I'll admit, it's not the most efficient but it's how my brain works.

With all that said, you can imagine how overwhelmed I felt when tasked with packing for a two-month stint away from home. I essentially needed to pack for four different vibes and climates: A week at a yoga retreat in Greece (chic vacation-wear and enough workout clothes), a month in coastal Maine (casual summer with sweaters for chilly nights), a week in NYC (summer-in-the-city vibes), and a week in Florida (swimwear and clothes designed to withstand sweat). Simply put, I needed a lot of stuff.

Oh, did I mention my dog was coming with me? (Add in a 10-pound bag of dog food to calculations.) With my travel anxiety at an all-time high, I went in search for an XXL suitcase that would help me manage packing for those four destinations. After a ton of research, I landed on the Calpak Hue Large Trunk Luggage ($290) — and I can now say with confidence that it was the right choice.

Keep reading for why this supersized bag made traveling a breeze. What I Like About the Calpak Hue Large Trunk Luggage Obviously, it's just plain large. There's so much space for me to fill; it's exhil.