While she enjoys a fulfilling career as the English Department head and College-Career Counselor, Nevada County native Kim Culbertson can also tout that she’s penned a collection of successful, widely-released books and novels throughout her decades-long career. Culbertson, a Nevada Union graduate, hit her first stride on the national level with the release of her Young Adult novels “Songs for a Teenage Nomad,” “Instructions for a Broken Heart,” and “Catch A Falling Star” which quickly gained popularity amongst teens and other YA readers. The author said she will always have a soft spot for the YA genre, but her success has awarded her the opportunity to expand her horizons.

With that, Culbertson has two new books—one that has already been released and another novel waiting in the wings. Available now, “100-Word Stories: A Short Form for Expansive Writing” is her most recent publication, a guide of sorts for those looking to refine their writing skills while diving into a different type of creativity. The book was co-authored by Grant Faulkner, a friend, supporter, and collaborator of Culbertson’s.

The premise is simple: write a complete story in 100 words.” “So 100-Word Stories are my newest passion,” Culbertson said. “They are addictive.

They are telling a full story in 100 words. I started teaching these because my students weren’t reading. I’d assign a novel and it became super clear that maybe five of them were doing the reading.

And so .