As everyone talking about the film is hooked on the between and , one comedian has brought attention to the misdirected marketing of the film’s heavy topics in a hilarious TikTok series. Comedian and writer has amassed millions of views on her social media, after she posted a series of videos that played out a simple hypothetical: what if other movies were marketed like It ? ICYMI, the marketing strategy for has been criticised by readers of the ( ) book it is based on, for not addressing the topic of at the story’s core. Instead, the film seems to be advertised as a lighter “Who will she choose?” type of romantic drama, where one of the lead characters — Ryle, played by director Baldoni — has an anger issue.

Some viewers have gone so far as to say that the movie actually , which was a criticism the book also received. Amidst the sea of folks criticising/defending , and taking sides in the behind-the-scenes beef, Orli Matlow has highlighted the film’s misleading marketing in the funniest way possible. In a TikTok that has more than two million views, Matlow envisaged a world where the 1993 World War II drama was marketed the same distorted way as .

“He’s making a list and checking it twice! Grab your red coats and come see my new movie, , starring a hunk with a very particular set of skills, !” Matlow quipped, in an upbeat and positive voice. As anyone who has seen ‘s Oscar-winning film knows, the black-and-white World War II film is anything but upbeat .