What’s happening: Energetic Mars forms a tense square with serious Saturn this weekend, so hookups are prob not happening, and any sex you have isn’t great. Mercury squares Uranus on Sunday, sending surprise messages your way. The Mercury cazimi at the same time indicates that these are significant messages from important—although unexpected—people.

The Sun squares Uranus on Monday, which has similar significance. Venus squares off with Jupiter at the same time, filling you with an abundance of love and affection. At the same time, Venus is opposite Saturn, the planet of responsibility, so make sure you’re giving all this love to the right person.

Then, Virgo season starts on Thursday! The love planets, Venus and Mars, are experiencing a ton of passionate friction at the same time, so it’s a great day to have some great sex! What that means for *you*: Aries It’s okay to back down from a fight, Aries. Whether it’s beef with a lover from your past, an ongoing feud with an ex-situationship, or a longstanding issue between you and your boo, it’s becoming abundantly clear that you aren’t going to make any progress—not now, not with this particular issue. If there’s a way to peacefully move on from that ex, or agree to disagree with your partner, take it.

Sunday’s astro is phenomenal for your sex life. If you’re single, finding a hookup is a breeze, and if you’re in a relationship, it’s a great time to try out some of the kinks you’ve been wanting .