Fruity and crunchy, pomegranate is one of those fruits loved by everyone. You can add it to salads, squeeze it for delightful juice, or jazz up your regular desserts - pomegranate complements every dish. Now that the monsoon has bid us farewell and winter is just a few weeks away, it's the perfect time to enjoy refreshing cold drinks before cosying up with warm cups.

If you, like us, can't get enough of these ruby-red seeds and their sweetness, we have the perfect recipe for you - a super simple, super delicious pomegranate iced tea! Pair it with your daily meals or have it to wash away your Monday Blues - this pomegranate iced tea recipe has got your back! Also Read: The Surprising Reason How You Cut Onions Can Make Or Break Your Recipe Is Pomegranate Iced Tea Good For You? Absolutely! Pomegranate iced tea is a healthy beverage. Its star ingredient, pomegranate, is packed with antioxidants and vitamins like A, C, E, and B-complex, which support overall health. Since this recipe includes honey and pomegranate's natural sugars, it doesn't require additional sweeteners, making it perfect if you want to watch your calorie intake.

Green tea, the base of this recipe, has anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit your overall health. When combined with other ingredients, this pomegranate iced tea makes for an amazing drink to enjoy in the evening or with your meals. Can You Use Black Tea Instead of Green Tea as a Base? Yes! While this iced tea recipe uses green tea for a light .