Telegram which is a popular messaging app with around 900 million active users got into headlines after the arresrt of its CEO. Pavel Durov who is the CEO of Telegram was arrested by French police on Saturday evening, August 24, at Le Bourget airport. Known as "Russia's Mark Zuckerberg," the billionaire founder faces several charges, including allegations of spreading criminal activity on Telegram.

However, Durov wasn’t alone during the arrest. Reports indicate that a mysterious woman, believed to be his girlfriend, was also taken into custody with him. This woman has been identified as Juli Vavilova, and many now speculate that she could be linked to Durov's arrest.

Juli Vavilova is a 24-year-old crypto coach and streamer based in Dubai. She is active on Instagram, where she has over 20,000 followers and describes herself as a gamer with interests in gaming, cryptocurrency, languages, and mindset. Vavilova is also multilingual, fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.

Vavilova and Durov have been seen together in several locations, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, according to her Instagram posts. Their relationship appears to be close, as they were traveling together when they arrived in Paris on a private jet just before their arrest. Although the exact nature of their relationship is not fully clear, their frequent appearances together suggest a deeper connection.

Theories surrounding Vavilova’s involvement in Durov's arrest have been circulat.