Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters TV's Ben Shephard has been raving about the improvements to his skin health ever since he joined the This Morning team. His co-presenter and skincare guru, Cat Deeley , 37, has upped his beauty game, helping him combat early morning puffiness. Now, the dynamic duo often swap eye masks in a bid to stay camera-ready.

Sharing his newfound appreciation for a good skincare routine, Ben reveals: "Cat's beauty regime and beauty tips are brilliant. Part of my regime in the morning is to try to reduce some of the puffiness around my eyes. With my 50th birthday approaching, I have become a lot better at my skincare regime.

" Ben couldn't hide his enthusiasm when talking about their shared beauty rituals, especially the under-eye patches that help him tackle the swelling, saying: "I whack them on, try and reduce some of the swelling." Recently, Ben showed off his new look and revealed that he has been growing a beard over the summer holidays while he’s been absent and taking a well-deserved break from the ITV show. He took to Instagram and posed a question to his followers: "I’m turning 50 in December [shocked-face emoji].

How did that happen?! I’d like to mark it in some way with a challenge but keen to know, what does ‘fit, healthy and happy’ mean to you and has tha.