Breakfast is our first meal of the day – especially after a long gap of last night’s dinner. It is extremely important to have a healthy breakfast, and to never ever skip it, no matter how much of a rush we are in. Skipping the day’s first meal – especially when done on a regular basis – can invite health troubles.

ALSO READ: Making breakfast count: Strategies for incorporating whole grains and fiber into your morning routine Mornings are meant for self-care, healthy living, and making a fit start for the day. Some people prefer to utilise these quaint hours for reading, writing or journaling, while some prefer to start the day with a workout. It is important to set a healthy routine for the morning to ensure that we do not miss out on pampering ourselves and boosting our physical and mental health before we get into the rush of the day.

And breakfast is one such habit. Here are the health hazards of skipping breakfast. Health hazards of skipping breakfast Leaves us foggy-minded: After a long sleep, the body’s energy is depleted – breakfast ensures to refuel the mind and body effectively.

When we keep skipping breakfast on a regular basis, we can feel sluggish, foggy-minded and absent-minded. Affects metabolism: Breakfast helps boost the metabolism of the body – thereby helping the body burn more calories throughout the day, even when it is at rest. Skipping breakfast affects the overall metabolism of the body and slows down weight loss.

ALSO READ: This mornin.