Some mornings , we may wake up with back pain. This happens due to multiple factors – from having an unhealthy sleeping position to the mattress being the reason, or other lifestyle patterns. When we sit and work in the same place for a long time without stretching our back occasionally or moving around, back pain is inevitable.

This can show up right after we wake up in the morning. Waking up with back pain in the morning can slow us down. Hence, it is important to have a workout routine targeting the back muscles to stretch them the right way and prepare for the day ahead with a fit body.

Here are five easy yoga asanas that can help us beat back pain effectively. ALSO READ: This morning, try these 5 exercises to feel happy and healthy Cat Cow pose: This is one of the easiest yoga asanas that you can do to alleviate back pain. All you need to do is get on all fours on the yoga mat and then stretch the back inwards and stay for some time.

And then push your head upwards and stretch the back muscles inwards and stay in that position for some time. Downward-facing Dog pose: This pose can be done right after Cat Cow pose. We need to push the body upwards with only our palms and our feet touching the mat.

Also known as the Mountain pose, we need to push our glutes outwards and stretch the leg muscles and stay in that position for some time. ALSO READ: This morning, try these 5 exercises for toned and defined arms Extended triangle pose: To do this yoga asana, we need to stand o.