Dear Pastor, I am 36 and I have never been married, but my brother-in-law introduced me to a man who is divorced. My brother-in-law told me that he is wealthy. He is a white guy.

He took me all over New York and to some very fancy places to eat. He questions me a lot, but I didn't question him. Every evening we went to somewhere new.

He took me out seven times in the 10 days that I was in America. He is 55. Two days before I was preparing to leave, he took me shopping.

I asked my sister to come with us; she assisted me in choosing the things that I wanted. When I told her that things were too expensive, she said the man has money so he will pay for them. I took dresses for church and for partying, and three lovely pair of shoes.

When I told the man that we were finished shopping, he said, "Are you sure?". He said "Go for whatever you want", so I got two sets of wigs. I went to bed with this man.

He said he wanted to know how it would feel to make love with a black girl. We spent all night at a hotel and during the night, he asked me if I would marry him and I told him that I would consider it. I wanted to talk to my brother-in-law about it because he knows the man very well.

My brother-in-law told me that I shouldn't hesitate to marry him, and that would be the easiest way for me to get out of poverty. I called the man and told him that I would marry him, but I would love to see where he lives and he said, "Sure." He picked me up and took me to where he lives, but we did not .