Surprisingly, the dads, who are all in their early 30s, stumbled into being a viral singing sensation—none of them have had any professional training. The talented men all have regular jobs, and singing is their shared passion. The group consists of brothers Tomas and Peter Vidmark, Michael Åberg, Sebastian Åkesson, and Adam Stenlund.

The image of the young fathers spending time with their children has become synonymous with the group’s viral music videos. Fans regularly compliment the men on the familial harmony shown in their videos—their kids, who love to be serenaded, are regularly seen sitting silently in their Dad’s laps, mesmerized by their melodious voices. “It’s so unreal,” Tomas told The Epoch Times.

“Actually, we cannot believe it, and especially that so many Americans are following us. That’s our biggest following. I think more than 30 percent of our followers are from the United States.

We are just very grateful.” Dad Harmony went on tour for the first time last Christmas and will start their second tour in October, this time in Europe. “A lot of people are asking for us to come to the USA, and we hope that we can come soon,” Tomas said.

All the members grew up in Skellefteå, a small town in northern Sweden, and got together for Peter’s bachelor party in June 2022. On a whim, they decided to sing “Wellerman” together. Wanting to capture the moment forever, they decided to record it.

Tomas said that, at first, he didn’t intend.