Andrés Hurtado, popularly known as “Chibolín”, is in the eye of the storm following recent accusations of influence peddling and money laundering. Ana Siucho wife of footballer Edison Flores, has stated that Hurtado had received million-dollar bribes in order to buy favours from the Public Prosecutor’s Office. However, these accusations have not only affected the television personality, but have also put the lifestyle of his ex-wife Marilú Montiel and his daughters Jossety and Génnesis Hurtado under scrutiny.

The Hurtado family’s rise to luxury has generated a lot of attention. Hurtado’s first wife, Marilú Montiel, currently resides in the United States with her daughters, where they lead a life full of ostentation. But how did they go from an ordinary life to one full of luxury? This is a look at the circumstances that surrounded the couple from the beginning.

The beginnings of Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel Andrés Hurtado and Marilú Montiel met at the popular nightclub ‘La Gata Caliente’ in Miraflores. The relationship blossomed quickly, and in 1987 they were married. At that time, both were working in the arts: Hurtado in television, and Montiel as an actress in comedy shows such as ‘Risas y Salsa’ and ‘JB Noticias’.

However, it was from that moment on that her life began to change drastically. Marilú Montiel was part of various comedy shows. Photo: Diffusion According to contemporary witnesses, after their wedding, the couple b.