Scottish comedian and radio presenter Billy Kirkwood returns to the after a health scare almost put the brakes on his career. Having discovered a lump in his neck and being forced to have surgery, he’s more determined than ever to spread his frantic positivity and relentless comedic energy. On the back of selling out at this year’s Glasgow International Comedy Festival, he brings new show Wild Thing along the M8.

Here, he answers our ...

Very excited, as per I am entering the domain feeling like an unknown, so looking forward to giving folk a buzz when they find me. I guess it’s about sharing positivity energy..

. which sounds a lot fancier than I mean it too. There’s not sad bits, no narrative, it’s about embracing your inner weirdo and being positive about bouncing back from the constant barrage of life.

It’s semi-improvised, it’s silly, often filthy, packed with stories no-one in their right mind should ever say on stage...

with a nice little bit of nonsense and light entertainment chucked in. I’m so, so delighted. I was facing time off with the op but potentially facing a long or maybe even permanent lay-off if the op and results didn’t go my way.

This has been my everything for over a decade, so being able to do it fresh and liberated again is amazing. Very much so, if nothing else I think using comedy to break the ice with people around you can help them relax and you relax when times get bad. The scene is doing amazing just now, I’m just happy to be .