These thoughts were inspired by a huge outburst between friends (male & female) during a usual ‘Chill Time’. The men boldly declared that, as long as they are physically stronger than we women, they will always be above us and we will never be equal. Those words: above, equal, superior! The age-old war between men and women and whether one is more superior is completely baseless as far as I am concerned.

The push for superiority of men because of the role they play and their physical strength is simply a push for power, control and dominance. Men have more physical strength than women. It is estimated that a typical man will be stronger than 39 in 40 women and that men have 50 per cent more muscle mass and 30 per cent more bone mass than women, both of which contribute significantly to greater physical strength.

That’s beautiful and admirable. Men are physically stronger and are by nature, better equipped to handle certain things that women will find difficult. Their role is to protect, lead, preserve, cover.

These are admirable qualities and not to be envied at all. Women have more mental strength than men. Studies show that women have exceptional endurance and are more likely to survive tougher conditions than men.

They are built with powerful emotional strength and resilience that allow them nurture, bear pain, stretch without breaking and are known to withstand pressure much more than men, due to the fact that cortisol, the stress hormone, increases more rapidly in .