September's full moon is the second consecutive supermoon in a series of four. The first was the Full Moon in Aquarius that took place in August. Now, we usher in the powerful energy of the Pisces supermoon and just to amp things up, let's throw in a lunar eclipse to coincide with the full moon.

Many have already been feeling the pulls of eclipse season, and it's only just beginning. So hold on tight, and know that whatever you are going through right now is exactly where you need to be. It may not feel like it, but trust that the Universe is working things out in your favor.

When faced with adversities, it is a choice as to how we will face them. Initially, the challenge may bring feelings of being overwhelmed, stuck, or even angry and sad. It is ok to allow these feelings to enter your body, but try not to let them stick around for too long.

Feel them, embrace them, and then find peace in breath work, movement, and full moon limpias to allow the emotions to eventually leave your body and your energy. By doing this, you are honoring all of your emotions, and allowing the ones that strengthen you to come to the forefront of your mind, body, and spirit. With four consecutive supermoons in the forecast, Aug.

19, Sept. 17, Oct. 17, and Nov.

15 , as well as a lunar and solar eclipse , we have a lot of energy to work with before the year is out. Remember that any icky situations that come up before December could be a direct result of the busy astrological transits. Remind yoursel.