Celebrity Russell Brand This fabulous Russell Brand drive-by ‘takedown’ is 5 seconds of absolute pure joy Poke Staff . Updated September 18th, 2024 Share Tweet Here’s a rather fabulous five seconds that probably works best with no introduction at all. It’s a (brief) clip of Russell Brand doing what Russell Brand does these days, and it’s gone viral for reasons which will become apparent.

The motorist passing by knows the measure of Russell Brand. pic.twitter.

com/lfpfhls4BW — The Jase (@jasemonkey) September 16, 2024 If you can’t stop watching it then you are very much not alone. The timing and target of this epic insult are heavenly. pic.

twitter.com/O4HUrL9jaZ — Tim Brannigan (@tim_brannigan) September 17, 2024 After becoming a christian earlier in the year, Russell Brand finally hears the voice of God for the first time. https://t.

co/6gc7hAYPGg — Mike_M (@MrFlibble72LFC) September 17, 2024 Wonderful. https://t.co/ncsKqS3MdU — richard bacon (@richardpbacon) September 17, 2024 And if you’re thinking that it’s not entirely what it appears, then you’d be absolutely right.

It is Russell Brand, obviously, but with a little added ingredient expertly added by the fabulous @jasemonkey. Is it the same guy? pic.twitter.

com/QnhTco8qQo — Some Guy (@in_bloke) September 17, 2024 Yep! — The Jase (@jasemonkey) September 17, 2024 The longer clip wasn’t as funny but it was a lot, lot weirder (no surprises there, you might think). So..

. I’m worth £20 to god? N.