Nine in 10 Americans have had a “Home Alone” moment—realizing they forgot something essential en route to their destination , according to new research. While respondents aren’t forgetting their kids at home, they have forgotten a charger (34%), toiletries and beauty products (32%), sunscreen (27%) and even medication (18%). That’s according to a survey of 2,000 US adults, which looked at the most inconvenient things respondents have forgotten including socks (17%), water bottles (14%) and even their wallet (8%).

Results also found that 37% admit they’re more forgetful when traveling and, on average, three items are left behind every trip. The bad news is that 42% believe that forgetting essentials has negatively impacted their trips—being forced to spend more money (27%), purchase alternate products (25%) and not feel their best (10%). But in good news: respondents have learned from their mistakes, as 89% are working to be more prepared than ever before when traveling this summer.

Commissioned by Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water and conducted by Talker Research, the survey also found that good habits often go by the wayside when traveling. According to the results, healthy eating (51%), budgeting (44%) and regular hydration (31%) are often ignored when Americans are away from home. Not only that, but less than half (46%) admit they drink more water when traveling, compared to almost two-thirds (65%) who eat more snacks.

Two in five (40%) Americans also find i.