The recent resurrection of film and instant film cameras never really interested me until a few months ago. I love shooting digital, mostly because I can just keep going until my heart is content, but that was until I discovered this gem of an instant film camera. The offers me more than just a quick shot and instant print; it offers me a hybrid solution where I can snap images and then decide later if I want to print them or not.

This, for me, was a game changer compared to the other line of Instax or Polaroid cameras. For a recent wedding, I wanted to try something new alongside my traditional way of photography. I wanted to do something fun and different, while also surprising the bride and groom with something they can cherish until the proper wedding photos were edited and delivered.

After doing a lot of research, I decided to go down the route of a Polaroid-style camera for that beautiful film aesthetic and the chance of delivering some fun images there and then, but the big worry for me was wastage. What if all the images I took and printed right away were rubbish? The film for a Polaroid can be expensive, especially if you are a trigger-happy shooter. So, I needed a solution, and that is when I discovered the .

There are two major reasons why the Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo was a no-brainer for me, the first being a digital LCD on the back of the camera. Having this functionality allowed me to preview the image before capturing it as well as review the shots after to see.