After completing his tenure with the RR, Jeetu joined the NDA in the middle of January 2008 as an instructor on their training team. It must have been a matter of pride for him to return to his alma mater as an instructor. The gallantry awards were announced on 25 January 2008, with a lot of honours and accolades coming his way.

After the investiture ceremony, Colonel Harjinder Singh as a caring senior, recollects cautioning Shatrujeet: “Kotwal, at such a young age you have achieved much. Shaurat (fame) should not go to your head. Be careful about how you handle yourself.

” Colonel Harjinder need not have worried; Jeetu was grounded with deep roots and the transient fame and glory would not have changed the kernel within. Biswajit, his squadron mate, remembers the personal influence Jeetu had on his life. “I had congratulated Shatrujeet on the gallantry award and great guns his career was going.

To this, he had responded, ‘Thanks, Dash. But, I do not plan for long. Thinking too much about the future brings in anxiety.

So, focus on today and also never fall into the trap of comparisons.’ This advice became the mantra for my life,” recalls Biswajit. Jeetu fell into the rigours of his new assignment as an instructor with full passion.

I distinctly recollect receiving a call from him in the middle of March 2008. I was at work and my brother wanted to discuss neurolinguistic programming (NLP). In 2005, I did a course – “Women in Leadership” – at the University o.