We returned from France less than two weeks ago, and I had been excited to share our adventure with one person in particular. Agnes Sector was the leader of a group every Friday afternoon that got together to speak French and learn more about the language. Madame Sector, a French native, led us through a variety of exercises and gave us assignments to bring to the group.

It put into motion my four years of high school French from more than 50 years ago. I was among the newer members of the group and the poorest speaker but was determined to sharpen my ability prior to our 12-day visit to the country known for wine, cheese and wonderful cuisine. I couldn’t wait to tell her about what we visited and saw in her native land.

But just two days after we returned, Madame Sector passed away. My hopes of sharing with her were gone. But if somewhere in the great beyond she is able to look down, here are 10 of the unforgettable things from our visit in no particular order.

1. Le Pont d’Avignon. Most every child who becomes familiar with the language learns this song: Sur le pont d’Avignon, l’on y danse, l’on y danse.

While we did not step onto the remnants of this famous bridge, we did get to see it from both sides of the Rhone River, and we danced in our imaginations. 2. A boat ride along the Seine in Paris.

The Bateau Mouche sailed down the river, past the cathedral of Notre Dame and then a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower with its Olympic rings. A great way to see some.