With people taking advantage of the summer weather, Thames Valley Police are warning that thieves have been targeting cars parked at beauty spots. The opportunist robbers are breaking into vehicles and taking anything left on show, such as handbags, laptops, and mobile phones, as well as shopping bags and clothing. Officers want people to think before leaving the car.

A spokesperson said: “We know more people will be leaving their vehicles at local beauty spots to go and enjoy the scenery, which is why we want to remind you to remove valuables from your vehicle and lock it. “Make sure to physically check that doors and windows are locked, especially if you have used the remote to lock the vehicle, then look inside again to make sure you’ve not left anything behind.” Other advice includes leaving unnecessary items at home, park in signposted parking areas and don’t park in isolation.

It is better to take items rather than leave them in the boot, while documents with personal details on them should not be left in the car. And people should check they have locked windows, doors and sunroofs..