Harnessing the benefits of chitosan, a natural ingredient extracted from crustaceans, and glutathione, Luxe Skin has created a supplement that can hydrate and soothe skin The word “natural” has been floating around beauty circles, becoming a conversation piece on how it embraces simplicity and sustainability. Beauty enthusiasts, conscious of the products that they use, clamor for nature-derived ingredients . And beauty brands are listening, especially with the movement in sync with the minimalistic “no-makeup” look .

Ingredients that are plant-based, derived from animals and minerals are believed to nurture skin. We’ve heard of honey offering a remedy for acne and dryness. In recent years, hyaluronic acid has been a staple in serums and facial treatments for moisturizing and improving skin health and sourced from greens like kale and avocados.

Even traditional solutions such as coconut oil are employed for their ability to combat damaging free radicals. What should I know about chitosan as a beauty ingredient? Chitosan is derived from a surprising place: the hard outer skeletons of marine creatures like prawns, crabs, and lobsters, which contain chitin . This chitin is then transformed through a process known as deacetylation, turning it into chitosan—a variant that is more soluble and active biologically.

These crustacean shells, often throwaways of the seafood industry, find new purpose as a key component in products for skin health and dietary supplements. So w.