Our community members are treated to special offers, promotions and adverts from us and our partners. You can check out at any time. More info At the beginning of a new year, many of us are looking for a fresh start.

One way to achieve this is gutting out your wardrobe and getting rid of the clothes that you just don't wear anymore. Some people pass their clothes on to friends and family, some give them away to charity shops, while some want to earn a bit of money back for the clothes they bought. Vinted is an online marketplace where you can sell your preloved items to a better home, and others can snap up some good deals on clothes they may have missed at the shops.

The app is normally fairly easy to use to make your shopping experience enjoyable - but some sellers may be making errors that mean their items aren't shifting. One woman has taken to Mumsnet to share what she believes are the two most common mistakes people are making on the app, saying she would "scroll past your Vinted listing if you've done this", reports the Mirror . Her first issue was: "A close-up of the label or a hint of fabric is used as the main picture, like a teaser, instead of a nice clear photo of the whole garment.

" She admitted that she "can't be bothered to click on it" to just find out it is something she "wouldn't have clicked on if you'd just shown the whole thing in the first place". Her other gripe was: "Only posting one picture or two really bad pictures. Just don't bother.

" Some people a.