The Faroe Islands look like something out of a fantasy movie, and you can fly there directly from Edinburgh Airport. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters When you think about potential short-hop holidays from Scottish airports, the chances are you imagine heading south. To Paris , perhaps, or the sunny Channel Islands .

However, more and more people are choosing to head in the opposite direction - to the Faroe Islands, a unique place to visit in the North Atlantic. The Faroes are part of Denmark , and are made up of 18 rocky, volcanic islands connected by tunnels, ferries, and bridges which all offer truly breathtaking scenery. So much so, in fact, that clips of the Faroe Islands regularly go viral on TikTok, with travel influencers racking up millions of views showcasing its unusual landscape, which has been compared to fantasy locations like Tolkien's Middle-earth, or Westeros from Game of Thrones .

One particularly spectacular sight is Lake Sorvagsvatn, also nicknamed the "floating lake" or the "optical illusion lake" because of its position on a cliff 100 metres above the ocean. The islands' gorgeous, fairytale turf-roofed houses are another extremely popular and photogenic feature. You can find them all over the islands.

The best spots to see them are Gásadalur, Tinganes, Bøur, Leitisva.