At 89 years old, B.C.-based Joy Fox is still doing the kind of — independent, adventurous — that “makes her heart beat faster.

” This includes road tripping around New Zealand, celebrating her 84th birthday watching the Northern Lights in Norway, and snorkelling the . Fox is a member of the 100,000 reader-strong , a Toronto-based solo travel website and resource for women over 50, established by the late Evelyn Hannon, a beloved, trail-blazing travel writer. Earlier this year, as the website marked its 30th anniversary, Fox received the JourneyWoman Evelyn Hannon Award for Solo Travel to recognize her contribution to continuing Hannon’s legacy.

Joy Fox, 89, recently received the JourneyWoman Evelyn Hannon Award for Solo Travel. Fox is far from alone. Plenty of older women are choosing to go gallivanting around the world instead of sticking to some sleepy hobby at home.

“Women over 50 are living longer and healthier than ever, actively seeking meaningful ways to travel, and empowered to make our own financial decisions,” says Carolyn Ray, JourneyWoman’s CEO and editor. “We are a force to be reckoned with.” “I’m in the winter of my life, but life isn’t over once you hit a certain age,” says Fox.

“You have to embrace your next act, and my advice to younger women is to get out there and do it. Don’t wait until you’ve retired, or until you are widowed. We all have fears.

I’ve been scared of almost everything I’ve ever done, but if you don’t j.