Plan your average week of lower-body workouts , and you might decide to treat your glutes to heavy hip thrusts and squats. You could add in good mornings to fire up your hamstrings, plus lunges and leg extensions to work your quads. But you may not be giving your inner-thigh exercises as much forethought.

Your inner thighs are made up by the pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and obturator externus. These muscles are collectively known as hip adductors, and they work together to adduct the leg (read: move the leg toward the midline of the body). Any time you're moving side-to-side or performing powerful movements, such as plyometrics , these muscles are firing up, says Khetanya Henderson , a NASM-certified personal trainer, 600-hour comprehensive Pilates instructor, and the founder of KKRU .

So, the best inner-thigh exercises target this group of muscles. Your adductor muscles also help stabilize the knees and hips — and, in turn, support proper alignment of all your joints, Henderson says. If your inner-thigh muscles aren't strong enough, your knee, for instance, can begin to cave inward, which can lead to a domino effect of changes in the positioning of your ankles and pelvis, she says.

"Our ankles, calves, knees, the muscles around the knees, inner thighs, outer thighs, glutes — we need all of that to work functionally together," says Henderson. "Because when one of those building blocks falls, then the building starts to collapse t.