I'm going to kick things off by stating very clearly that typically I am very much a glowy-skin gal. When it comes to anything skincare or make-up related, I'm on the hunt for products that provide luminosity and radiance. when summertime comes rolling round, it's a bit of a different story.

You see – despite loving a , I am also very much on the . This means that when a UK heat waves pops off, my make-up decides to slip down my face well before midday. This is when I reach for the big guns – and by big guns, I mean all things matte and .

Starting my routine with a mattifying primer during hot weather is a must, and over the years I've found the ones that do the job well, without making me look overly dry or flat. The best mattifying primers – from my experience – are the ones that focus on blurring the skin and pores. Silicone-based primers are often best for this particular task, as they smooth out and blur effectively, with a silky texture that glides onto skin.

That said, silicone is not for everyone, and can be irritating to sensitive or acne-prone skin, so it's worth being aware of this before making a purchase. These days, matte primers are much-evolved; long-gone are the drying, one-dimensional formulas of yesteryear. In fact, modern products often have hydrating and moisturising properties, as well as ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.

Look for these if you're worried about lacking radiance or moisture. One of Fenty's all-time bestsellers, this should be at.