Everyone knows the excitement of a digital firefight, but what are the best shooting games of all time? From the earliest arcade days to the era of the home console, the shooter genre has always been wildly popular with gamers, and it’s easy to understand why. From the thrill of winning a battle royale to the satisfaction of a perfectly executed headshot in an FPS, shooters offer a quick catharsis that few other genres can compete with. Of course, the popularity of the genre has led to the market being flooded with mediocre titles that aren’t worth your time.

So, how do you know which games are worth your time? Well, as it’s Gamescom and we’re feeling generous, we’ve done the hard work for you; our team of experts has compiled the list of the best shooters of all time. We’ve covered everything from classic titles to modern masterpieces, but before we begin, a quick note. We’ve not limited ourselves to just FPS games .

That might be a controversial decision, but when you’re curating lists of the best games , you don’t want to limit yourself to one sub-genre. So what are you waiting for, solder? Go, go, go! 50. Portal (2007) What it’s about: Playing as Chell, you find yourself trapped in the Aperture Science facility, essentially acting as a lab rat to the antagonist AI GLaDOS.

During the ‘tests’ and eventual escape attempts, players are forced to solve tasks of varying difficulty using an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device or Portal Gun. Why we lik.