Becoming a multi-millionaire may seem like a distant dream, but the road to wealth often starts with small, consistent habits that lead to big results over time. Many millionaires don’t achieve their wealth through lottery winnings or a massive inheritance — they follow a clear path, making strategic decisions along the way. rr A on former financial advisor Humphrey Yang’s YouTube channel captures five subtle signs that he says are typical of a saver’s march toward seven-digit wealth.

These habits aren’t just leading indicators, he says, but also actionable steps that can predict future prosperity. How many of Yang’s habits do you recognize? Better yet, which ones could you start today, with the goal of one day joining the millionaires’ club? If you’re consistently setting aside a portion of your income for savings or investments, you’re already ahead of the game. Prioritizing saving from an early age and harnessing the magic of compound interest can help you accumulate significant wealth later in life.

“Sorry,” Yang concedes, “that means not paying extra for guacamole at Chipotle, as tempting as it might sound.” Saving consistently, even in small amounts, is key. For example, saving $10,000 per year starting at age 30, and earning an 8% return in the market, you would amass about $1.

1 million by age 60. If you can save $20,000 per year, you’ll hit that milestone by age 52. One strategy for reaching this goal is .

Employer-sponsored 401(k) accounts.