has left fans in suspense with a posted on Instagram August 23, a picture of him floating in a pool with his arms outstretched and a serious expression on his face as his eyes were closed. The caption that accompanied the post read: "One day when I’m ready I’ll tell you about my travel story this morning. But just know it was so treacherous that I couldn’t even post about in real time.

The worst part? I had no one to blame but myself." Fans and friends took to his comment section to express concern, intrigue and excitement at hearing this. One fan said: "Crazy cliffhanger.

It’s giving murder mystery novel." A second said: "WHJBDN??? (What had Jet Blue done now???)." Another said: "Don’t leave me hanging like that jake.

" from the Cancelled podcast commented: "on the edge of my seat." A fourth fan wrote: "Can’t wait to hear about this one on the podcast." The 24-year-old has posted on his Instagram since that cryptic post but has not made any mentions of the situation and what happened.

He recently posted another photo at the pool but this time he's submerged and only his hand can be seen outside the pool, phone in hand. He captioned the August 24th photo with "Happy Saturday p------." Jake could be waiting to share it on his comedy podcast, as a fan suggested, where he does provides life updates.

He also has celebrity guest on where he is in the "proverbial therapist’s chair" as he interviews his guests. The internet star is going to take his podcast on the road .