The world is watching Published 3:39 pm Wednesday, August 21, 2024 By Editor By Jan Penton Miller Columnist The oppressive heat caused perspiration to run in rivulets across my face as I staunchly wielded my nippers. Eddie wrote in his gardening instructions for the month that roses should be cut back again for another fall blooming season so I braved the heat to do so. I thought he also mentioned cutting leggy zinnias and vincas for another show, but I wasn’t exactly sure.

Since I was already hot and sweaty I pruned a few zinnias that were not exactly looking their best. The roses had grown so tall that I actually wore my large gardening gloves to protect my hands and arms from thorns. Usually I just take a thorn or two for the team, the gardening team, that is.

After a video or two I have refreshed my knowledge of the difference between deadheading and pruning and have decided to go with a light pruning since it’s so hot. I don’t want to shock theplants, but they do need a little more work than deadheading. For those who don’t know, deadheading is not much more than removing the faded flowers before they go to seed.

This encourages more blooms, but when the plants get too tall or leggy and start to take on an unattractive shape more pruning is required. Hmmm. The garden always seems to bring my mind back to the Master Gardener, not the group of plant enthusiasts that go by this name, but the One who created it all in the first place.

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