NATURALLY, man is a most purposeful producer of his needs. Water and food are the most basic needs of man and his essential wants are food, shelter and clothing. Following scavenging, man discovered agriculture or farming as his first major occupation for the production of his needs.
That is to say, man’s first main occupation has been farming specifically for the production of the foods he eats. Also, byproducts of agriculture provide the materials for the construction of his house, for the making of his clothing and the herbs for the treatments of his health challenges. Hence, man meets his basic needs from his efforts in farming.
The regularity of man’s productivity in farming depends on the robustness of his health which, in turn, determines his strength and his energy to carry out his tasks as a farmer. The quality and the level of the working of man’s mind determines the type and the quantum of the yields of his products. The degree of the level of the development of man’s mind also determines the fashion and the sophistication of the tools he would fabricate for his farming.
Here comes the impact of the standards and the quality of the types of his education. Primarily, for man, the object of production is consumption. Therefore, man is first and foremost the producer and the consumer.
It is only when there are surpluses over and above his immediate needs that he keeps something apart for his secondary objective, which is to assist him in building the capital n.