Whenever steak is included in your at-home meal rotation, careful and adequate preparation is required. Since eating steak every day is not a common occurrence, you're likely to prepare your ribeye or filet mignon with a cooking method that isn't overly involved, exceedingly rich, or downright unhealthy. This way you can focus your attention on the texture and flavor of the meat itself.

To prepare the best steak cuts from your local meat market or grocery store, avoid deep-frying at all costs. According to Healthline , fried foods are known to be high in trans fats, which pose certain risks to our physical health. The American Heart Association claims trans fats not only raise our bad, or LDL cholesterol levels, but also increase our susceptibility to heart disease.

So, when it comes to cooking up thick slabs of beef, you have even more reasons to avoid deep-frying as a preferred cooking method. Interestingly enough, consuming red meat may already come with its own set of drawbacks. One 2023 study published in the European Heart Journal found that the consumption of red meat was linked to an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, adding extra fat to the mix, by way of deep-fried cooking oil, doesn't necessarily seem to be doing your health any favors. Since deep-fried foods are often laden with trans fats, which already lower your good or HDL cholesterol, deep-frying steak seems like a recipe for disaster. More reasons to avoid deep-frying your next.