To talk about an uneven skin tone is to acknowledge that it takes different forms for different people. For some, it may refer to acne scars or dry, scaly patches. Then there are others that chalk up comedones and fine lines as texture.

No matter the root cause, the general consensus seems to be that a rough, bumpy complexion constitutes textured skin. This, however, raises the question: rather than reach for a formidable retinol or an AHA/BHA elixir, should we be seeking out solutions that are specific to the kind of texture that you’re dealing with? Dr Sylvia Ramirez, medical and scientific director of Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, certainly thinks so. “Addressing uneven skin texture involves a comprehensive approach, including a consistent skincare routine tailored to one’s skin type, protective measures against environmental stressors, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle,” she states.

“It is a common concern, with various intrinsic and extrinsic factors leading to this condition.” This includes hormonal changes, increased sun exposure, and even genetics, if you can believe it. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Below, a deep dive of the aforementioned causes—and solutions—to textured skin as advised by a medical professional. What are some of the typical causes behind uneven skin texture? Everything from ageing to genetics can cause complexion unevenness. “As we age, the production of collagen and elastin—proteins essential for smooth, firm skin�.