If there was ever a time when people actually worked one job their whole lives and retired with a gold watch and a pension, it’s certainly long gone. Most people will have in their lifetime, and almost everyone— —is planning to look for a new job in 2024. There are a lot of great reasons to launch a job search: Folks who switch jobs , sometimes you just need a , and sometimes you’re just not in the right place.

If you have the luxury of choosing your moment and changing jobs strategically (as opposed to being laid off or getting ahead of a looming termination), you have an advantage that’s often overlooked: You can choose exactly when you look for that next chapter. If that describes you, there are two times of the year that have clear advantages in terms of finding a new job. Here’s how to time your job search for maximum advantage.

It’s a nifty coincidence that the same time you’re making your hungover New Year’s Resolution to change jobs also happens to be one of the to launch that job search. January and February are two of the best months to look for a new job for a variety of reasons: The sense of a clean slate and a fresh start, plus the enthusiasm of a resolution and having a plan can’t be underestimated. For most people, the beginning of the year is the moment when they’re in the best frame of mind to make a big life change.

Companies usually , and they go into effect in January. Additionally, performance reviews and bonuses have been dealt with.